As lockdown eases ...
Lockdown for me has not been quite the difficult experience it has been for many. Living where I do, I've had ready access to quiet tracks and trails so have been able to get out running, cycling and walking - and, of course, early on the weather cooperated. Two things I have missed, though: the buzz of the city, and seeing friends. So I was happy to get back to urban sketching with some of my arty friends in Shrewsbury recently. We now meet up weekly at different locations in the town.

I've opted for simplicity every time: fineliner pen on white paper, and I've enjoyed this uncomplicated approach, not to mention the feeling of normality. I draw whatever I see around me: buildings, bicycles, people, my arty friends (who are also people btw) ....

The apres-sketch pub visit has not been possible so we've been taking along our own refreshment and hanging around after sketching, suitably distanced, for a chat and friendly critique. It's been good to see friends again.

Urban sketching once a week wasn't enough for me, so here's a sketch I did in Chester last Sunday.

I really love sketching and the beauty of this medium lies in its ease: not a lot to carry, quick to set up, and no need for perfection - wobbly lines are part of the charm! I do, however, use other media too sometimes, as you can see on the "From my Sketchbooks" page of my website. I'm looking forward to getting out again soon - possibly in Chester this weekend.